My Bootstrap radio buttons are set to a width of 200px. However, when the text inside the button exceeds this width, it wraps onto two lines leading to changes in button height. How can I ensure that all other buttons displayed scale to the same height?
<!-- query 7 -->
<div class="row mb-4">
<div class="btn-group justify-content-center" role="group" aria-label="Basic radio toggle button group">
<div class="row"><p><strong style="display: inline">Q7</strong> {{ post.question7 }}</p></div></div>
<div class="row justify-content-center mx-auto">
{% if post.url7 %}
<div class="row"><img class="maths" src="static/test/{{ post.url7 }}"></div>
{% endif %}
<fieldset id="group7">
<div class="form-check-inline spelling_button p-0 mb-1 mx-auto"><input type="radio" class="btn-check" id="q7a" name="options7" value="ae" autocomplete="off" required>
<label class="btn btn btn-outline-primary quiz" for="q7a"><strong style="display: inline">A:</strong> {{ }}</label></div>
<div class="form-check-inline spelling_button p-0 mb-1 mx-auto"><input type="radio" class="btn-check" id="q7b" name="options7" value="af" autocomplete="off">
<label class="btn btn btn-outline-primary quiz" for="q7b"><strong style="display: inline">B:</strong> {{ }}</label></div>
<div class="form-check-inline spelling_button p-0 mb-1 mx-auto"><input type="radio" class="btn-check" id="q7c" name="options7" value="ag" autocomplete="off">
<label class="btn btn btn-outline-primary quiz" for="q7c"><strong style="display: inline">C:</strong> {{ }}</label></div>
<div class="form-check-inline spelling_button p-0 mb-1 mx-auto"><input type="radio" class="btn-check" id="q7d" name="options7" value="ah" autocomplete="off">
<label class="btn btn btn-outline-primary quiz" for="q7d"><strong style="display: inline">D:</strong> {{ post.ah }}</label></div>
<div class="form-check-inline spelling_button p-0 mb-1 mx-auto"><input type="radio" class="btn-check" id="q7e" name="options7" value="ai" autocomplete="off">
<label class="btn btn btn-outline-primary quiz" for="q7e"><strong style="display: inline">E:</strong> {{ }}</label></div>