The hovering over a table data element results in a superior transformation

I recently created a table with an interesting structure where the first <tr> contains two <td> elements (the first one having a rowspan), while the second <tr> only has one <td>. My goal is to have hovering over the <td> in the second row affect both itself and the first <td> in the first row.

For reference, this is similar to what I'm trying to achieve:

The code for the table structure looks like this:

<table class="class">
    <tr><td rowspan="2">A</td><td>B</td></tr>

In essence, when I hover over B, I want both A and B to change (I've tried using .class tr:hover{} for this). Similarly, if I hover over C, I would like A and C to experience the same effect.

I'm curious if achieving this behavior is possible solely through CSS? I've been exploring the sibling selector but haven't been able to figure out how to apply it here.

If achieving this effect isn't feasible using CSS alone, could someone provide guidance on how to implement it using JavaScript?

If interested, you can view the solution I found here:

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a particular effect with your table using CSS alone may not be sufficient. I scoured for a generic JavaScript solution but couldn't find one, so I decided to devise the following jQuery script. Hopefully, it serves your needs:

    var $this = $(this);
    var $thisTr = $this.closest("tr");
    var $rows = $thisTr.parent().children();

    // add hover to call cells directly in the same tr

    // add hover to any td with rowspan making it visually part of this row
    var rowIndex = $rows.index($thisTr[0]);

        var index = $rows.index(this);

            var $cell = $(this);

            if($cell.attr("rowspan") > rowIndex - index){
}, function(){

Answer №2

Utilize CSS by utilizing the initial selector

table.class:hover tr:first-child { 
  /* example */

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