Create a JavaScript script within a CSS file

I'm attempting to create this using only CSS: Codepen

and I would like to achieve the same effect but solely with CSS. This is what my CSS looks like:

  --a: calc(var(--a);*0.82+(1.5-var(--b);)/10);
  --b: calc(var(--b);+var(--a););
  transform: scale(var(--b););

Unfortunately, it's not working as intended. I've attempted numerous solutions without success. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

A list of resources I referenced in creating this non-working CSS:

CSS Variables - The var() Function

Keep Math in the CSS | CSS-Tricks

Answer №1

Your current CSS code appears disorganized and lacks proper semicolon usage for each property declaration. Allow me to tidy up your code:

  --bounce: 100; /* Create variables first on the parent element */
  --size: 100;

  --bounce: calc(var(--bounce) * 0.82 + (1.5 - var(--size) / 10));
  --size: calc(var(--bounce) + var(--size));
  transform: scale(var(--size));

Note that operator signs '+', '-', '*', and '/' should have one extra space between two variables or numbers.

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