creating a personalized CSS style rule

Can a custom rule be created in CSS using @media for a parent class to make changes based on the class?

    <div class="parentGreen">
          <ul class="ul1">
         <ul class="ul2">

By changing the parentGreen class, the styling of the items inside can also change.

    ul {
        direction: ltr;

    ul {
        direction: rtl;
        margin: 10px;

Answer №1

If you're seeking the compiled version, check out this link.

Have you heard of less? It's worth looking into. Less is a great option for creating nested CSS structures. You can format your code like this:

.parent {
    .child1 {
      color: blue;
    .child2 {
      color: blue;

Take a look at this link for more information.

Answer №2

Hopefully this solution is effective...

.parentGreen ul {
    text-align: left;

.parentYellow ul {
    text-align: right;
    padding: 10px;

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