Sliding in images with JQuery

I need help with animating the slide-in effect of 7 "card" images from the left to the center of the screen. I attempted to achieve this using the following code:

function FetchCards() {
    $("#pack").css('margin-left', 0);
    $("#pack").css('margin-right', 0);
        left: '-1000px'
    }, 'slow');
setTimeout(FetchCards, 7000);

However, it seems like my code is not working as expected. I am confused about where exactly I should declare the function "FetchCards". You can find my current code at:

I would appreciate guidance on how to properly declare the "FetchCards" function and if my code will effectively hide the images until they slide in.

Answer №1

Here's a solution for you:

function SlideCards() {
  $("#deck").css('margin-left', 0);
  $("#deck").css('margin-right', 0);
    'margin-left': '-1000px'
  }, 'slow');
setTimeout(function(){SlideCards();}, 7000);

Answer №2

Check out this example and let me know if it meets your requirements... EXAMPLE HERE:


function FetchCards() {
        'margin-left': 0,
        'margin-right': 0
        left: '-=1000px' // -= subtracts the number of pixel
        //this function will be called after #pack animate
        $(/*IMAGE SELECTOR*/).fadeIn(); //insert the image selector
setTimeout(FetchCards, 7000);

CSS: Your image should have display:none in the CSS.

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