The website is displaying a strange mix of text and HTML when viewed on a PC

While browsing the internet for C programs, I stumbled upon this particular program that caught my eye:

<span style='color:#004a43'>#</span><span style='color:#004a43'>include</span><span style='color:#800000'>&lt;</span><span style='color:#40015a'>stdio.h</span><span style='color:#800000'>&gt;</span>

<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>void</span> areaperi <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>int</span> r<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span>a<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span>p <span style='color:#308080'>)</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>{</span>
<span style='color:#308080'>*</span>a <span style='color:#308080'>=</span> <span style='color:#008000'>3.14</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#308080'>*</span>p <span style='color:#308080'>=</span> <span style='color:#008c00'>2</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> <span style='color:#008000'>3.14</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>}</span>

<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>void</span> <span style='color:#400000'>main</span><span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#308080'>)</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>{</span>
<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>int</span> radius <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> area<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> perimeter <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>n</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Enter radius of a circle </span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span> <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#003060'>scanf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%d</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>radius <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

areaperi <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> radius<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>area<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>perimeter <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Area = </span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%f</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> area <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>n</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Perimeter = </span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%f</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> perimeter <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>}</span>

When I accessed it from my phone, everything displayed correctly. However, on my computer, only some parts showed as text while others appeared as HTML.

I'm curious to understand why this discrepancy is occurring. Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Answer №1

The website "" appears to be malfunctioning, and I'm unable to access it properly on my phone as well.

It seems like they intended to showcase a syntax-highlighted version of the C program but mistakenly displayed the HTML source code for the highlighted listing instead.

In order to view the C program, you'll need to execute the HTML source code. You can achieve this by saving it as an HTML file and opening it in your browser. Alternatively, you can utilize online HTML/CSS/JS editors like the one offered on StackOverflow (simply click the "Run code snippet" button below):

<div style="white-space: pre">
<span style='color:#004a43'>#</span><span style='color:#004a43'>include</span><span style='color:#800000'>&lt;</span><span style='color:#40015a'>stdio.h</span><span style='color:#800000'>&gt;</span>

<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>void</span> areaperi <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>int</span> r<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span>a<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span>p <span style='color:#308080'>)</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>{</span>
<span style='color:#308080'>*</span>a <span style='color:#308080'>=</span> <span style='color:#008000'>3.14</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#308080'>*</span>p <span style='color:#308080'>=</span> <span style='color:#008c00'>2</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> <span style='color:#008000'>3.14</span> <span style='color:#308080'>*</span> r <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>}</span>

<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>void</span> <span style='color:#400000'>main</span><span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#308080'>)</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>{</span>
<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>int</span> radius <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#200080;font-weight:bold'>float</span> area<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> perimeter <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>n</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Enter radius of a circle </span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span> <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#003060'>scanf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%d</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>radius <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

areaperi <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> radius<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>area<span style='color:#308080'>,</span> <span style='color:#308080'>&amp;</span>perimeter <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>

<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Area = </span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%f</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> area <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#003060'>printf</span> <span style='color:#308080'>(</span> <span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>n</span><span style='color:#1060b6'>Perimeter = </span><span style='color:#0f69ff'>%f</span><span style='color:#800000'>"</span><span style='color:#308080'>,</span> perimeter <span style='color:#308080'>)</span> <span style='color:#406080'>;</span>
<span style='color:#406080'>}</span>

(Please note that I enclosed the code within a

<div style="white-space: pre">
tag to ensure proper display of spacing.)

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