css - aligning text below another text in the center

Looking to style a text in a specific color with a message about another text below it? Want the text centered but not sure how to position it correctly?

margin: 0px auto;

If this code isn't delivering the desired result and is positioning your text on the left side of the screen, you might be wondering what the simplest and most effective way is to center any element. Let's find out.

Answer №1


text-align: center;


margin: 0 auto;

additional elements

left: 50%;

Answer №2

Every approach is valid. It's important to note that applying text align won't impact inline elements. Using margin: auto isn't a workaround; it's entirely appropriate and accurate based on the specifications. To delve deeper into margin: auto, check out this resource http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins

Answer №3

A great method for aligning text in the center is

text-align: center;

To use the technique margin: 0 auto;, the element must be a block-level element or have display: block; applied, and you'll also need to specify its width (in pixels or percentage).

Answer №4

Centering elements can be achieved through a variety of techniques, each with its own usability depending on the properties inherited or applied via CSS. For instance, to center an inline or inline-block element, one may use text-align:center; on the parent element. However, for centering a block-level element, it is necessary to specify a width along with margin:0 auto;. Of course, there are also other methods available.

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