Arrays in Javascript (correlating)

I'm having trouble figuring out what needs to be included in this code

(I apologize that it's in German, it's an array corresponding to images for JavaScript.)

function namenZuBildern(){ 
   var bilder = new Array( "000227", "000228",
   "000229", "000231", "000233", "000235", "000237", "000238", "000239", 
   "000241", "000242", "000245", "000247", "000248", "000249", "000250",
   "000252", "000253", "000254", "000258", "000259", "000261", "000262" ) ; 

   var index = document.getElementById('einform').person.selectedIndex;
   document.images[0].src="#" + bilder[index] + ".jpg"; 

Why are there all these numbers inside newArray()? Are they the positions of the pictures?

And I understand that I need to insert the id here


But why is it [0] when I have 4 pictures?

Please help

Answer №1

Given that the bilder array is utilized to assign the file names as values for the images' src attribute, it seems likely they are correlated.

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