I'm having trouble figuring out what needs to be included in this code
(I apologize that it's in German, it's an array corresponding to images for JavaScript.)
function namenZuBildern(){
var bilder = new Array( "000227", "000228",
"000229", "000231", "000233", "000235", "000237", "000238", "000239",
"000241", "000242", "000245", "000247", "000248", "000249", "000250",
"000252", "000253", "000254", "000258", "000259", "000261", "000262" ) ;
var index = document.getElementById('einform').person.selectedIndex;
document.images[0].src="#" + bilder[index] + ".jpg";
Why are there all these numbers inside newArray()? Are they the positions of the pictures?
And I understand that I need to insert the id here
But why is it [0] when I have 4 pictures?
Please help