Customizing Row Background Color in Bootstrap

Currently working on a project

The problem I am facing is with my 3rd row (the one with the 3 columns) where the background color is bleeding beyond the intended boundary. My suspicion is that it's due to the row spanning the full width of the page. I have tried applying the background to each column individually, but as the page is resized, the height of each column varies, resulting in inconsistent bottom fill. Any suggestions for a possible solution?

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, I have come up with a solution. Simply connect the col-md-4 with a col-md-12 to utilize the padding and assign the col-homepage class to it.

Take a look at this pen for reference-

Answer №2

To resolve the issue, simply eliminate the margins in the row. The current margin setting is -15px;. Adjust it to 0 and the row will no longer stretch across the entire width.

Answer №3

Insert the <div class="col-md-12"> element right after the row. In Bootstrap, it is important to always contain columns within a row. Similar to how you implemented it in the second row, remember to include the col-md-12 class after the .row

Therefore, the code should appear as follows -

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="container-fluid col-homepage">

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