Can you explain the steps to implement this feature in a modal window using jQuery?

My HTML list contains a bunch of li elements.

ul li img .det li

I am looking to create a modal popup that appears when I click on something. I want this modal popup to have previous and next buttons, preferably implemented using jQuery.

I have already attempted the example at

Are there any plugins or scripts available that can help me achieve this feature? Also, I would like to customize the modal popup based on the data in the .det container.

The .det container is initially hidden but becomes visible when clicked. If anyone has suggestions on how to integrate a plugin for creating a functional modal popup with prev-next buttons, please share your ideas.

Answer №1

If you're looking to implement a popup functionality on your website, you can achieve this by adding an onclick event to your HTML code like this:

function openPopup(){
            $( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" );
            $( "#dialog-modal" ).css("display", "auto");
            $( "#dialog-modal" ).dialog({
                modal: true,

Make sure to adjust the function name and dialog ID according to your specific setup. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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