Calculate the sum of hours worked in a day using pure JavaScript, no external libraries required

Hello, I'm new to this website and please excuse me if my English is not perfect, I am trying my best to communicate :)
I have been working on a page that calculates the total hours worked in a day and this is what I have achieved so far until 15/06/17. You can view it on this page.
note: The language used on my page is Italian, I apologize for any inconvenience.

giorno = day

The issue I am facing is with solving the function of the button named "Calcola". Here is the code snippet: (since I am unable to write code here, please refer to the code on "my page" using Google tools)

The problem is specifically within this section:

function differenza()  

I hope this explanation has been clear, once again I apologize for my English as I am still learning.

Answer №1

@masterNixe has done it! Check out this amazing result and please Give it a try

It's a slightly different approach compared to your example, @masterNixe, but thank you :D
Here is the link to my page if you want to test it out
If anyone finds a bug, feel free to let me know

    function calculateTotalDifference() {
        var i;
        for (i = 1; i < document.getElementById("tabella").rows.length; i++) {

    function differenzaRiga(i) {

        var result = firstCheck(i);
        if (result == false){
            return false;

        /* calculation */
        var exitMinutes = result.exitMinutes;
        var entryMinutes = result.entryMinutes;
        var breakMinutes = result.breakMinutes;

        var totalDifferenceInMin = exitMinutes - entryMinutes - breakMinutes;
        var hoursDone = Math.floor(totalDifferenceInMin / 60);
        var minutesDone = totalDifferenceInMin % 60;

        document.getElementById("Giorno" + i + "Totale").value = (pad(hoursDone) + ":" + pad(minutesDone));

    function pad(n) { 
        return (n < 10) ? ("0" + n) : n;
    document.getElementById('body').onkeypress = function (e) {
        if (!e) e = window.event;
        var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;

        if (keyCode == '13') {

    function firstCheck(i) {
        // logic for checking values before calculations


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