No translation or compiling of SCSS/SASS to CSS available

As a beginner Sass user, I am working on mastering the SMACSS hierarchy and incorporating it into my project using Brackets. However, I have encountered an issue with mapping the main.scss file to the main.css file even though it compiles successfully via Ruby installed on my computer.

In my vendor folder, when I created a "robotodraft.scss" file following the FontFaceKit RobotoDraft example, it worked perfectly generating both css and files automatically. Yet, when attempting to link multiple _underscorefiles in different folders to a main css file in the styles folder as shown in the image provided, nothing happens.

An update from 6/25/16: By creating a font.scss file to reference the fonts folder and files, I was able to compile successfully. However, the mystery remains as to why the main.scss file still refuses to compile despite being error-free. The syntax is correct but the desired outcome is unattainable.

Answer №1

Typically, if SASS fails to compile, it's likely due to a syntax error present within the code. I'm not sure what text editor you're utilizing or how your SASS is being precompiled, but make sure to scan for any errors in your console or within your individual files.

On line 17 of index.html, there appears to be a reference to "styles/typography.css," which doesn't seem to exist in your folder structure. Depending on your compilation method, this could potentially cause issues.

If you are importing "typography" through @import in one of your partials, it could be causing the compilation process to come to a halt and preventing main.css from compiling correctly.

Answer №2

Using an underscore (_) as a file prefix is typically reserved for partial files in sass, similar to how it's used with require in Ruby or include in C...

Ensure that you either remove the underscore or utilize an import directive correctly (it might have been an include directive, but I'm not entirely sure).

Answer №3

After doing some research, I stumbled upon this helpful technique for organizing my Sass-based project. The idea is to create an index.scss file in each subfolder that acts as a reference to all other files within that folder. By then importing these index files into the main.scss file using the proper @import syntax, I was able to streamline my project structure. Although I'm not entirely sure what was causing the compilation errors before, it's clear that simplicity and cleanliness are key when it comes to Sass architecture.

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