Leveraging IE conditional comments for including CSS or JavaScript files can lead to an increase in the number of HTTP

Our web designer has implemented special pages for Internet Explorer by using IE-specific comments. This means that certain stylesheets are only loaded if the user is using a specific version of IE:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/ie6-fixes.css" media="screen"  />

The same approach has been applied to JavaScript files as well. However, having these specific conditions for IE users results in more HTTP requests, leading to a slower perceived page load time. Typically, I prefer consolidating all CSS into one file and all JS into another.

Is there a way to incorporate these IE-specific comments directly within the CSS and/or JS files themselves? Alternatively, are there any methods to achieve similar functionality without affecting load times?

Answer №1

One way to address CSS compatibility issues in Internet Explorer is by utilizing IE-specific comments and enclosing the document content within a <div id="IE6"> element.

By doing this, you can easily apply CSS fixes for IE6 by adding "#IE6" before your selectors.

For more information on this technique, visit

Additionally, JScript offers conditional compilation which can help streamline your JS files into one. Check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ahx1z4fs(VS.80).aspx for more details.

Answer №2

If you're looking for a solution to streamline your script and CSS files, consider using a dynamic builder. By incorporating inline scripting in your conditionals, you can easily add parameters to build an array in JavaScript. This array can then be utilized to construct the URL for your script/css like

, with a similar approach for JavaScript files.

Subsequently, in your chosen language (whether it be PHP or another), you have the option to use tools such as minify or other libraries to compile all scripts/CSS into single files while removing unnecessary elements, resulting in more efficient delivery. Additionally, caching the builds allows for quicker deployment in the future.

This strategy has been successfully implemented in various projects using PHP Minify and Symfony plugins that offer similar functionalities.

Answer №3

To enhance your CSS skills, you might consider experimenting with unique selector techniques that may be overlooked by some browsers while being acknowledged by IE6. However, keep in mind that this approach could lead to a slight performance impact for all users.

Alternatively, when it comes to JavaScript, one option is to modify your functions to verify the User-Agent string. Nevertheless, this solution presents similar challenges as the CSS suggestion mentioned earlier.

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