Can a submit button be created that integrates both a radio button and submission functionality?

Is there a way to combine a radio button and submit button into one element for submitting the value just with a click? Currently, I have a radio button and a separate submit button in my code, but I want to streamline it.

This is the current code snippet:

{foreach item=item key=key from=$memberships}
<input type="radio" type="hidden" name="membership" value="{$key}" checked="checked"/>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="{lang mkey='continue'} --&gt;"/> 

I would like to replace the radio button and submit button with a single submit button. Can this be achieved? If so, how can it be implemented?

Here is what I envision:

Replacing the radio button and submit button with a combined input element as shown below:

<button type="submit" name="membership" value="{$key}">{$item}</button>

Answer №1

If you would like to make a selection for your membership, you have two options:

<input type="radio" type="hidden" name="membership" value="{$key}" checked="checked" onclick="this.form.submit();"/>


<input type="hidden" type="hidden" name="membership" id="membership" value="{$key}">
<button type="submit" name="membership" onclick="document.formname.membership.value={$key}; return true;">{lang mkey='continue'}</button>

Answer №2

One creative idea is to design a custom image resembling a radio button and use it as your submit button. This clever trick will make it appear as though there is a radio button, but in reality, clicking the image will submit the form.

To take it up a notch, consider adding a second image that looks like a selected radio button. You can show this image using an onClick() event for added flair.

Answer №3

Eliminate the submit button from the form and implement an onclick event for the radio button to handle form submission.

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