The option to "open in new tab" is absent from the right-click menu when clicking a link on a website

Why does the option to open a link in a new tab not appear when using JavaScript or jQuery, but it works with an anchor tag? I have tried using window.location and, as well as adding the onclick attribute to a div, but the option still doesn't show up. Does it only work with anchor tags?

div class='miniShell'>          <!-- m1 m2 m3 m4 used for seperate goto links   search if 'mp3' you will find next usage -->
      <div class='mini' onclick="openLink('<?php echo $UrlA?>')"> <img src=''>  <div class="miniTitle"><?php echo ucwords($TitleA) ?></div>   </div>
      <div class='mini' onclick="openLink('<?php echo $UrlB?>')"> <img src=''><div class="miniTitle"><?php echo ucwords($TitleB) ?></div>   </div>
      <div class='mini' onclick="openLink('<?php echo $UrlC?>')"> <img src=''>  <div class="miniTitle"><?php echo ucwords($TitleC) ?></div>   </div>
      <div class='mini' onclick="openLink('<?php echo $UrlD?>')"> <img src=''><div class="miniTitle"><?php echo ucwords($TitleD) ?></div>   </div>

using jQuery:

function openLink(link){

Browser:google chrome

Answer №1

An anchor element must be used to create a link, not a div. By replacing the div tag with an a tag, you can achieve the same result as your HTML currently redirects to a specific link but is not recognized as a valid link by the browser.

Answer №2

Building on the previous response by @Rigidity, it's important to note that a is not simply a generic link but a JavaScript method. Because of this distinction, the browser won't recognize it as a traditional link and therefore the context menu typically associated with links won't appear within your div element.

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