Different methods of displaying the next image from a URL without explicitly setting the dimensions

I am attempting to display an image in Next.js without specifying the width and height by using import Image from 'next/image';.

It should be noted that the image is sourced from a URL, not a specific folder within the project.

placeholder='empty'  />

This code successfully displays images when imported from a folder, but encounters issues when trying to display an image from a URL.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to render an image without specifying width and height properties?

Additionally, I would like to maintain the original size of the image rather than fitting it to the screen using the fill and objectFit properties.

Answer №1

When you set the layout attribute to "fill", the image will automatically expand to fit the available space without needing specific width and height dimensions. Additionally, if you set objectFit attribute to "none", the image will maintain its original size when displayed.

import Picture from 'next/image';


Answer №2

As stated in the documentation for Next.js, you have the option to set the fill prop as fill = {true}. It's worth noting that starting from version 13.0.0, the layout and objectFit props have been eliminated.

import Image from 'next/image'

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