I have set up a grid on my website to display log history, along with a refresh button that updates the grid with new data when clicked.
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Log history">
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="btn_refresh" onclick="load_logs" style="float:right; border:1px solid black;">Refresh</button>
<div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="log" data="window.store_data_log"> </div>
<div id="grid_log" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" store="log" structure="window.layout_log" queryOptions="{deep:true}" query="{}" clientSort="true" rowsPerPage="5"> </div>
However, I encountered an issue where in the Chrome browser, the refresh button moves up when clicked and becomes only partially visible. I attempted to add <BR/>
after the button, but then the grid disappeared completely. Placing the button in a different container also resulted in the grid disappearing. What should I do to resolve this?