Having trouble understanding why <p> and <h3> elements are displaying as links?

Starting my journey in front-end development with my first website project. Using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Flask.

Encountering an issue where my code is styled like a link instead of plain text. It appears blue and becomes underlined when hovered over.

<div class="container col-md-6 col-lg-5">
    <p class="lead" id="repo-title">Welcome to the repository of my publications.</p>
    <p id="repo-intro">Introduction to repository. This is the sum of my work, from many different projects. It is listed in chronological order. Use the navigation on the left-side to filter through the repository by subject, project or publication format.</p>

No Bootstrap classes seem to be causing this issue. The style inheritance from _reboot.scss:13 sets the hover color to blue.

a:hover {
    color: #0056b3;

Tried to correct with custom CSS:

#repo-title, #repo-intro

#repo-title:hover, #repo-intro:hover

Font color changed, but underline and cursor change remained upon hover.

Sharing my custom CSS stylesheet for review:


    font-size: 64px;
#headline:link, #headline:visited
    text-decoration: none;

#headline:hover, #headline:active

/* Remaining CSS code omitted for brevity */

Appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Answer №1

  1. Utilize an IDE such as Sublime Text or Webstorm to identify unclosed tags and code errors. It is possible that you are not using the correct format for tags or may be missing something.

  2. Create a new page with a simple HTML form to troubleshoot if the problem is occurring on all pages.

  3. Press ctrl+u in your browser to check for errors (missing tags and errors will show with red text).

  4. Disable all browser extensions and use incognito mode.

  5. To override Bootstrap style codes, you can use !important.


#repo-title:hover, #repo-intro:hover
    text-decoration:none !important;

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