Solving the issue of IE7 div overflow-y: scroll causing content to be obscured by the scrollbar

I am facing an issue with a table inside a div (#body) that scrolls along the y-axis. Specifically, in Internet Explorer, the scrollbar is hiding part of the last table cell behind it, causing a shift in the layout of the table columns. This problem does not occur in Chrome, and I need to find a solution that works for both browsers. It seems like IE is not rendering the CSS properly compared to Chrome. How can I make IE display my columns correctly, similar to how Chrome does?

When viewing the fiddle in both browsers, you will notice that the table header does not line up with the corresponding columns.

I appreciate any suggestions or solutions offered.

Update: The layout works fine in IE9, but it encounters issues in IE7 which still needs to be supported.

Answer №1

Upon encountering this issue specifically in IE7, I opted to follow ihake's advice and detect the userAgent to handle it accordingly. While not the most ideal solution, it gets the job done.

var IE7 = false;


    if($.browser.msie) {
        var userAgent = $.browser.version;
        if(userAgent.substring(0,userAgent.indexOf('.')) == 7) IE7 = true;


Further down the code, I adjust the CSS based on whether IE7 is true or false, making the process fairly straightforward.

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