What is the technique for filtering multiple values using the OR operation in ng-model functions?

Currently, I am using an ng-modal labeled as "myQuery." At the moment, there are two filters in place that look like this:

    <accordion-group heading="" ng-repeat="hungry_pets in Pets" | filter:{hungry:false} | filter:{name:myQuery}" ... >

I have been researching online to figure out a way to implement a filter where whatever query is entered, it will return a list of Pets that contain those letters in any field. The object I am working with has fields such as 'name', 'owner', 'color', 'weight', and 'hungry'. Ideally, I would like to use something similar to what was suggested in this question, which would be like:

    <accordion-group heading="" ng-repeat="hungry_pets in Pets" | filter:{hungry:false} | filter:({name:myQuery}||{owner:myQuery}||{color:myQuery}||{weight:myQuery})" ... >


    <accordion-group heading="" ng-repeat="hungry_pets in Pets" | filter:{hungry:false} | filter:filterALL)" ... >

Is there a way to achieve this by modifying the HTML tag above? If I were to create a function called 'filterALL' so that I could substitute it with 'filter:filterALL', what would that code look like?

Answer №1

While this might not provide a comprehensive solution to the query, one approach is to use '$' as a placeholder for any parameter when conducting searches instead of specifying individual fields.

    <tab-group heading="" ng-repeat="active_users in Users" | filter:{active:true} | filter:{$:searchTerm}" ... >

Answer №2

Here is an example of how you can create a custom filter:


app.filter('customFilter', function() {
  return function(arr, searchString){
      // Add your filtering logic here


<accordion-group heading="" ng-repeat="happy_animals in Animals" | customFilter)" ... >

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