Implementing the 'bootstrap tour' feature in a Ruby on Rails application

I have integrated bootstrap-tour.min.css and bootstrap-tour.min.js into my project.

<script type="text/javascript" src='bootstrap-tour.min.js'></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap-tour.min.css">

Here is the code in my view page:

    <input id="one" value="one" />
    <input id="two" value="two" />

Additionally, this is the content of my JavaScript file:

// Setting up the tour
$(function () {
    var tour = new Tour();
        element: "#one",
        title: "Step 1",
        content: "Content for step 1"

        element: "#two",
        title: "Step 2",
        content: "Content for step 2"

    // Initializing and starting the tour

// End of tour initialization

Despite following these steps, I am still facing issues with getting the tour to work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Let me inquire a bit further with some questions that may assist you.

Have you encountered any specific error messages thus far? It appears that bootstrap-tour is dependent on bootstrap - have you configured this dependency properly? Have you utilized application.js / application.css in your project? Or perhaps application.css.scss if you are using the bootstrap-sass gem?

Are you utilizing the 'bootstrap-tour-rails' gem, or are you incorporating custom CSS styles directly?

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