Tips for setting background colors as a prop for Material UI cards in React JS

Currently utilizing the Material UI next framework to construct a wrapper for the card component. This customized wrapper allows for personalization of the component. I have successfully extended the component so that the title and image within the card can be passed as props. However, I am facing a challenge in sending the background color as a prop since it is injected into the classes attribute using JS in CSS technique.

The styles defined with JSS are as follows:

    const styles = {
      card: {
             maxWidth: 345,
             backgroundColor: '#hexcodehere'

The structure of the component is displayed below:

    const { classes,label } = props;        
    <Card className={classes.card}
      <CardText />
      <CardMedia />

Any ideas on how to set the background color using props would be much appreciated!

Answer №1

To enhance the styling of a React component, utilize the classnames package.

import classnames from 'classnames';

const { classes, label, backgroundColor } = props;  
<Card className={classnames(classes.card)} style={{ backgroundColor }}
  <CardText />
  <CardMedia />

The value for the backgroundColor prop can be any valid CSS color string. For example:

  • '#f0f' (#rgb)
  • '#ff00ff' (#rrggbb)
  • 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
  • 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)'

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