Ways to adjust the number of columns in a div using Bootstrap for varying screen sizes of larger devices

https://i.sstatic.net/1nHlm.pngI am new to coding and exploring html, css, and bootstrap. Is it possible to assign varying numbers of columns to a div based on different resolution ranges for larger devices?

Specifically looking at the "lg" range which covers laptops and desktops with screens that are equal to or greater than 1200px wide.

Is there a way to assign different column numbers for widths between 1200-1300px and 1300px-1400px?

Take a look at this image below for reference. The desired UI layout features a form on the left side with four columns - where the 1st and 3rd columns contain labels, and the 2nd and 4th columns contain input controls. Each of these columns is currently assigned "col-lg-3". However, when the width is around 1250px, the form looks fine but requires 6 columns, making some content invisible without a horizontal scrollbar.

On the other hand, if the resolution is approximately 1400px, there is too much space between labels and controls within the form, leaving excess empty space. I am seeking a solution to dynamically adjust the number of columns based on resolution settings.

Answer №2

To customize the layout of columns for different screen sizes, you have a few options. One way is to utilize media queries to adjust the current columns based on the screen width. Alternatively, you can create new classes such as .col-xxl-2 with a specific percentage width, like 20%, and apply them within a targeted media query for the desired size range. For example, you could have a div with multiple column classes:

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xxl-2"></div>
, allowing for flexibility in design across various devices. While setting constraints based on specific pixel values may seem unnecessary given the wide range of screen sizes available today, it ultimately depends on your design goals.

Edit An additional tip would be to incorporate the form-inline class to your form elements and encapsulate labels and inputs within a form-group. This will ensure proper alignment and spacing, regardless of the viewport size.

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