creating unique styles for your Ionic app with Angular using JSON

Having trouble changing the item color. Does anyone know why my CSS isn't working, or if I'm missing something?

<ion-view title="Add order to a table">
    <ion-content class="has-header has-subheader">
            <ion-item ng-repeat="table in tables" type="item-text-wrap" class="item-avatar"
                <div ng-class="{table.Status === '0': 'red'}">
                {{table.Tablename}} - {{table.Status}}
                    <p ng-class="radio-high">dfsa</p>

Answer №1

To get the desired result, follow Stackhelpers' recommendation but remember to capitalize table.Status. Otherwise, the code will not function correctly:

<ion-view title="Add Order to a Table">
  <ion-content class="has-header has-subheader">
      <ion-item ng-repeat="table in tables" type="item-text-wrap" class="item-avatar" href="#/app/tables/{{}}">
        <div ng-class="{ 'red' : table.Status === 0 }">
          {{table.Tablename}} - {{table.Status}}
          <p ng-class="radio-high">dfsa</p>

Answer №2

ng-class="{ 'blue' : chair.condition === 1 }"

Please feel free to contribute your insights

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