Ensuring Proper Highlighting for HTML Select Options

I am working on a project involving an HTML Drop-down menu. Check out the code I have so far:



    <option class="first"  style="display:none;">HH</option>  
    <option class="green">Hello</option> 


In my code, I've set the first Option to Display:none, which successfully hides it from the drop-down list. However, I'm struggling to add color to this hidden option as it serves as the heading of the drop-down. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Option 1

To customize the color of both the dropdown and the placeholder text (HH), you can set the color for the select and option.

Check out this Fiddle for example


select {
  color: red;

select option {
  color: black;

Option 2

If the heading "Hello" should not be selectable and only serve as a header, mark it as disabled. You can then style it accordingly.

Here's another Fiddle for reference


  <option class="first" style="display:none;">HH</option>  
  <option disabled class="green">Hello</option> 

select option[disabled] {
  color: red;

Answer №2

Feel free to give this a shot as well:

Visit jsfiddle

CSS Code snippet:-


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