The linear gradient feature in does not function properly on Internet Explorer versions 6 through 8

After running the following code below, it appears that the linear gradient is not functioning properly in IE6 to IE8.

 background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, white 0%, gray 50%, black 100%); 

I attempted to resolve this issue by adding the code snippet below to my CSS. Although this adjustment works for IE10, it fails to work in IE6 to IE8.

background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(45deg, white 0%, gray 50%, black 100%);

How can I achieve a proper display of the linear gradient at 45 degrees in IE8?

Answer №1

Older versions of IE, such as IE8 and earlier, do not offer support for standard CSS linear-gradient, even with a -ms- prefix.

Furthermore, IE9 does not provide support for them either.

This lack of support is widely acknowledged and well-documented in the web development community.

Instead of using standard CSS gradients, you can utilize filter styles as an alternative (check out this resource for more information). Alternatively, you may consider implementing a library like CSS3Pie, which aims to enable support for standard CSS features on older IE versions.

If avoiding JavaScript is a priority, then utilizing filter styles is recommended.

However, I personally suggest incorporating the CSS3Pie JS library due to the presence of several known bugs and glitches in filter styles that could cause complications. Additionally, working with the more standardized CSS code provided by CSS3Pie is generally easier.

I hope this advice proves helpful.

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