Employing jQuery to add an element as a sibling rather than a child node

I'm having trouble finding the specific functionality I need. My goal is to add sibling DOM elements to a disconnected node.

From what I gather, it should be possible with either .after() or .add(), but for some reason both methods are not working as expected:

var $set = $('<div class="parent"></div>');
    $set.add('<div class="child"></div>');
    $set.add('<div class="child"></div>');
    $set.add('<div class="child"></div>');

http://jsfiddle.net/kh9Uj/17/ and http://jsfiddle.net/kh9Uj/19/

When I chain the .add() method, like this:

$('<div class="parent"></div>')
    .add('<div class="child"></div>')
    .add('<div class="child"></div>')
    .add('<div class="child"></div>')


However, chaining does not work with .after(). Unfortunately, in my application, chaining is not an option. How can I achieve this?

Edit made to correct the class/id issue.

Answer №1

The variable does not get updated by the set operation.

var $set = $('<div id="parent">0</div>');
$set = $set.add('<div id="child1">1</div>');
$set = $set.add('<div id="child2">2</div>');
$set = $set.add('<div id="child3">3</div>');

Chaining is effective because all elements are added to the same object.

var $set = $('<div id="parent">0</div>')          
               .add('<div id="child1">1</div>')   
               .add('<div id="child2">2</div>')   
               .add('<div id="child3">3</div>');

However, using add places elements as "siblings" when appended.

<parent />
<child1 />
<child2 />
<child3 />

If you want the "child" elements to be children of "parent," use append instead.

var $set = $('<div id="parent">0</div>');
$set.append('<div id="child1">1</div>');
$set.append('<div id="child2">2</div>');
$set.append('<div id="child3">3</div>');

This will result in:

    <child1 />
    <child2 />
    <child3 />

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