Animated div or fieldset featuring a multi-step form

I have recently put together a detailed step-by-step guide. Each step is wrapped in its own "fieldset" within a single .html file.

To navigate back and forth, I have incorporated javascript into the process. However, as time goes on, I am noticing that the animations are starting to experience delays.

In the example provided below, everything runs smoothly because there isn't much content involved. So, where might the issue lie when it comes to optimization?



<form id="msform">
    <fieldset id="firstField">   
        <input type="button" name="subject1" class="next action-button" value="Subject1 />
        <input type="button" name="subject2" class="next action-button" value="Subject2 />
        <input type="button" name="subject3" class="next action-button" value="Subject3 />
    <fieldset id="subject1">
        <h2>Some text</h2>
        <input type="button" name="prev" class="back action-button" value="Back" />
        <input type="button" name="previous" class="previous action-button" value="Reset" />


....(Javascript code here)....

Answer №1

Have you managed to get the button functioning within a div?

I have downloaded the same "Multi Step Form with Progress Bar using jQuery and CSS3."

I was successful in displaying the fieldsets within divs, but encountered an issue with the button's onclick function not working when placed inside a div.

On one hand, this progresses to the next step:

<h2 class="fs-title">Create your account</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle">This is step 1</h3>
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
<input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="Password" />
<input type="password" name="cpass" placeholder="Confirm Password" />
<input type="button" name="next" class="next action-button" value="Next" />

While on the other hand, this does not:

<h2 class="fs-title">Create your account</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle">This is step 1</h3>
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
<input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="Password" />
<input type="password" name="cpass" placeholder="Confirm Password" />
<div class="pull-right">
    <input type="button" name="next" class="next action-button" value="Next" />                

I have tried everything I can think of, including removing animations without success.

To address your question... :)

I modified my JS code to disable (comment out) as much animation as possible and set the duration to 000...

//jQuery time
var current_fs, next_fs, previous_fs; //fieldsets
var opacity; //fieldset properties which we will animate
var animating; //flag to prevent quick multi-click glitches

    if(animating) return false;
    animating = true;

    current_fs = $(this).parent();
    next_fs = $(this).parent().next();

    //activate next step on progressbar using the index of next_fs
    $("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(next_fs)).addClass("active");

    //show the next fieldset; 
    //hide the current fieldset with style
    current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
        step: function(now, mx) {
            //as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
            //1. scale current_fs down to 80%
            //scale = 1 - (1 - now) * 0.2;
            //2. bring next_fs from the right(50%)
            //left = (now * 50)+"%";
            //3. increase opacity of next_fs to 1 as it moves in
            opacity = 1 - now;
            //current_fs.css({'transform': 'scale('+scale+')'});
            current_fs.css({'opacity': opacity});
            //next_fs.css({'left': left, 'opacity': opacity});
            next_fs.css({'opacity': opacity});
        duration: 000, 
        complete: function(){
            animating = false;
        //this comes from the custom easing plugin
        easing: 'easeInOutBack'

    if(animating) return false;
    animating = true;

    current_fs = $(this).parent();
    previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev();

    //de-activate current step on progressbar
    $("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(current_fs)).removeClass("active");

    //show the previous fieldset; 
    //hide the current fieldset with style
    current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
        step: function(now, mx) {
            //as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
            //1. scale previous_fs from 80% to 100%
            //scale = 0.8 + (1 - now) * 0.2;
            //2. take current_fs to the right(50%) - from 0%
            //left = ((1-now) * 50)+"%";
            //3. increase opacity of previous_fs to 1 as it moves in
            opacity = 1 - now;
            //current_fs.css({'left': left});
            current_fs.css({'opacity': opacity});
            //previous_fs.css({'transform': 'scale('+scale+')', 'opacity': opacity});
            previous_fs.css({'opacity': opacity});
        duration: 000, 
        complete: function(){
            animating = false;
        //this comes from the custom easing plugin
        easing: 'easeInOutBack'

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