Accumulation of style from various directives in AngularJS on a single element

Currently, I am working on developing a component framework and find myself in need of a method to apply styles from multiple directives to an element in a way that they can accumulate. The priority of the styles should be determined by the directive creator (the one modifying the style).

The issue lies at the heart of it:

<div ng-style="firstStyle" ng-style="secondStyle">

Currently, only the first style takes effect while the second one is disregarded.

To demonstrate this problem, I have created a basic Plunkr example where you can see that only one style is being applied:

Is there a straightforward solution to this dilemma?

Answer №1

Have you considered approaching it like this:

$scope.firstStyle ="background-color:lightblue";
$scope.secondStyle ="color:red";

and then:

<div style="{{firstStyle}};{{secondStyle}}">

See it in action here

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