Adjust the image size to fit the page according to its height

Having a dilemma here. I have this square image (2048x2048) that I want to set as a background. The tricky part is, I want it to display borders when the page stretches into widescreen mode, but also resize while maintaining its square shape when the page width is decreased.

It seems like I can't achieve both at the same time.

If I apply height:100% as a CSS property for the image, it works well on larger screens. However, when the screen size shrinks, the image fails to adapt and creates unwanted horizontal scroll bars.

On the other hand, if I use width:100% as a CSS property, it functions perfectly on small screens. But once the window expands to full size, vertical scroll bars become an issue.

I tried applying:




believing it would solve the problem, but unfortunately, it didn't work out.

I even attempted giving the body tag max-height:100%, and experimented with setting the same property for a container div, yet no success.

Would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to tackle this challenge effectively. Thank you!

Answer №1

Is it possible to set the body background and define background-size using a value of cover?

body {
  background: url("1024x768.jpg");
  background-size: cover;

According to information found on cover:

'Cover' is a keyword that scales the image as large as needed while maintaining aspect ratio, ensuring the image doesn't get distorted. The image will cover the entire width or height of the container. If the container and image have different dimensions, the image may be clipped either horizontally or vertically. By default, the image is centered unless modified by another property like background-position.

Answer №2

Is this your desired outcome?

body {
    background-image: url("");
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Answer №3

One option is to utilize: background-size: cover; or alternatively, you can employ background-size: contain;

Answer №4

Do you want your images to always maintain their aspect ratio and fit the window size without any white space?

If I understand correctly, you can achieve this by using the code snippet below: link

$(function() {

// responsive wallpaper
var img = $('.big_backgrounds img');
function adjustImage() {
    if ( img.width() < $(window).width() ) {
        $('.big_backgrounds img').css({
            'width': '100%', 
    } else if ( 
        img.outerHeight() > $(window).outerHeight() ) {
            'width': '100%', 
    } else {
            'width': 'auto', 
            'margin-left': -(img.width()/2) });
$(window).resize(function () { 


Answer №5

give this a shot -

body {
background-image: url('imageurl.png');
background-size: contain;

@user3910071 you can also apply this CSS to img tags for the same effect -

img {
    max-width: 100vw;
    max-height: 100vh;

Check out this functional demo, adjust the Result window size and observe how the image dynamically resizes.

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