Error encountered in Flatpickr NextJS+TS application: Uncaught DOMException - accessing CSSStyleSheet.cssRules getter is not permitted for cross-origin stylesheet

After successfully integrating Flatpickr into my project, I encountered an issue when testing in mobile view. When trying to open the calendar by clicking on the input field, I received the following error:

Uncaught DOMException: CSSStyleSheet.cssRules getter: Not allowed to access cross-origin stylesheet

I have searched through both Stack Overflow and Google for a solution but have not found anything that resolves the problem. I attempted the suggested fix in this thread, however, since my project uses styled-components, I do not have a separate Stylesheet to import. I tried importing the necessary styles within my styled-component as well as adding a stylesheet which I imported in _app.tsx.

In experimenting with responsive mode, I discovered that the error occurs when the screen width shrinks below 392px. Any width larger than that works perfectly fine.

Answer №1

For mobile users, I have chosen to show the native inputs instead of using Flatpickr. This decision was made in order to provide a more favorable user experience. Furthermore, based on information from the Flatpickr documentation, it appears that they also recommend this approach. It is possible that the error I encountered was related to conflicting with the CSS implementation in _app.js.

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