Trigger JQuery function post CSS styling completion

Upon using

$(document).ready(function() {...}
, it seems that the function is invoked after the DOM has loaded, but potentially before CSS styles have been completely applied.

My goal is to obtain the width of a particular element. Strangely, when attempting to retrieve this value within the ready() event, the returned result does not match the expected CSS value. However, utilizing a timer to delay this function by 10 seconds yields the correct outcome.

Therefore, I am curious if there exists a method in jQuery to observe CSS rendering?

Thank you for your assistance

Answer №1

$(window).on("load", function() {
   // add your code here

Answer №2

In my initial post, I relied on the JSF framework (Mojarra) and incorporated PrimeFaces components. The JavaScript code I used is as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {      
    alert("parent : " + $("#j_idt14\\:panelGrid label").parent().css("width"));

    window.setInterval(function(){alert("parent : " + $("#j_idt14\\:panelGrid label").parent().css("width"));}, 5000);


The width values I obtained were 416px initially, followed by 522px after 5 seconds.

I included the JS script in JSF using the following method:

<h:outputStylesheet name="styles/styles.css" />

And that's the extent of it. I'm perplexed by the results.

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