Style the labels on the axis of Frappe Charts with colors (potentially utilizing the appropriate CSS selector)

Is it possible to style the x and y axis labels in a Frappe chart with different colors?

While trying to identify the CSS selectors using Chrome DevTools, I found that a single text element (representing an x axis label) had a specific complex selector:

#frappe-chart-0 > div > svg > g > g.x.axis > g:nth-child(3) > text

My page contains multiple instances of Frappe charts, each with a varying number of nth-child elements. Ideally, I would prefer a CSS selector with placeholders for flexibility:

#frappe-chart-* > div > svg > g > g.*.axis > g:nth-child(*) > text

However, this wildcard approach is not feasible. Are there any alternative methods to achieve this?

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I was able to make it functional by utilizing specific CSS selectors:

[id*="custom-chart-"] > div > svg > g > g.y.axis > g > text {
  fill: #FFFFFF;
[id*="custom-chart-"] > div > svg > g > g.x.axis > g > text {
  fill: #FFFFFF;

The wildcard id selector targets all custom charts across the webpage. Moreover, eliminating the nth-child(3) selector allows for the selection of all axis texts.

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