On our website's edit page, there is a list of mat cards/workspaces with an edit icon in the top corner of each workspace. Clicking on the edit icon will take you to the edit page for that specific workspace. Within this edit page, there is a delete button that triggers a dialog box prompting the user to confirm if they want to delete the workspace.
I am currently unsure about what needs to be done for the API call.
.name.length > 0 && this.description.length > 0) {
// Mapping data to workspace object
this.workspace.name = this.name;
this.workspace.description = this.description;
this.workspace.type = WorkspaceType.public; // All workspaces are public by default
// Creating new workspace
this.workspaceService.createWorkspace(this.workspace).subscribe(workspace => {
this.saving = false;
this.snackbar.open(this.workspace.name + " has been created!!", "", {duration: 2500});
}, () => this.saving = false);