Handling the width and borders of CSS cells that are positioned outside of a table

Welcome! I recently created a simple gantt organizer as part of a demo. My goal was to make the main table scrollable while keeping certain columns "frozen" for easy visibility when navigating through the data. To achieve this, I followed some advice found at: how do I create an HTML table with fixed/frozen left column and scrollable body?

You can see an example of what I implemented here: https://jsfiddle.net/6pm6rztx/

#ganttable { border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0;border-top: 1px solid grey; }
#ganttable td, th {
            border:1px solid grey;
#ganttable tr { height:20px }

/* The first 4 columns are "frozen", requiring different styling */
#ganttable td:first-child { position:absolute;left:0px; min-width:20px; max-width:20px;}
#ganttable td:nth-child(2) {position:absolute;left:20px;min-width:20px;max-width:20px;}
#ganttable td:nth-child(3) {position:absolute;left:40px;min-width:150;max-width:150px;text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow:hidden;}
#ganttable td:nth-child(4) {position:absolute;left:190px; min-width:150px;max-width:150px;text-overflow: ellipsis;overflow:hidden;}

.bgtd {background-color: red;}

/* Table content is structured here */
<div id="ChartArea"><table id="ganttable">

<!-- Inserted row cells are displayed here -->


Upon inspection, I noticed that the first three cells have width issues - the borders extend beyond the specified width. This might be related to their positioning outside the actual table structure. How can I resolve this issue and ensure these cells have consistent widths with visible collapsed borders, similar to the rest of the table layout?

Answer №1

Your code has a small error - you forgot to specify the unit in min-width:150. Add px after 150 and your issue should be resolved.

Please take a look at this fiddle for reference: https://jsfiddle.net/uniqueusername/abcdef12/4/

I've made some adjustments to the position properties to ensure better alignment of the absolute cells.

I hope this information proves useful. Cheers!

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