The hideCol method does not work on jqGrid

Encountering a problem with the hidecol method in jqGrid. Despite calling the method, nothing seems to happen.

Using version 4.5 of jqGrid.

The table is created as follows:

// Table creation using jqGrid
    data: tableItems,
    datatype: 'local',
    autowidth: true,
    colNames: ['Name', 'Status', 'Ownership', 'Monitoring', 'Shiptype', 'Departure', 'ETD', 'Destination', 'ETA', 'Delta', 'SOG', 'Speed', 'HFO', 'HFO LS', 'MDO', 'MDO LS', 'RPM 24/H', 'Prop slip 24/H', 'GW 24/H', 'Next service'],
    colModel: [{
        name: 'name',
        index: 'name',
        width: 160,
        hidden: false
    }, {
        name: 'status',
        index: 'status',
        width: 70
    rowNum: 100,
    height: 400,
    scrollOffset: 30,
    sortname: 'id',
    viewrecords: true,
    sortorder: 'desc',
    gridview: true,
    caption: 'Ships',
    pager: '#pager',
    toppager: true,
    ignoreCase: false,
    onSelectRow: function(rowid) {
        // some work

Using jQuery to create checkbox list for managing column visibility.

As a test, all checkboxes currently call this:

$("#shipTable").jqGrid('hideCol', "Name").trigger('reloadGrid');

Although this should be functional, it's not working as expected. Considering any potential conflicts with custom CSS. Any suggestions are welcomed!

Answer №1

You initially set the column with a name in lowercase (name: 'name'), but then used it with the first letter as a capital ("Name"). To resolve this issue, you should use

$("#shipTable").jqGrid("hideCol", "name");

instead of


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