What is the best method to retrieve child elements from a class list object?

Seems like I have a similar content class

 <div class="parentclass">

         <div class="childClass">
         <div class="childClass">
         <div class="childClass">

  <div class="parentclass">

         <div class="childClass">
         <div class="childClass">
         <div class="childClass">

I am able to retrieve all parent class objects in an array using the following code:

var pClassList= document.getElementsByClassName("parentclass");

My query is how can I access the child classes "childClass" from pClassList array by specifying their index like this:

var childClassList1= pClassList[0].getElementsByClassName("childClass");
var childClassList2= pClassList[1].getElementsByClassName("childClass");

Answer №1

To iterate through the initial collection, simply loop over it and use the index of each iteration to access individual elements.

var pClassList= document.getElementsByClassName("parentclass");

for(var i=0; i < pClassList.length; i++){

  var parentElement = pClassList[i];
  // Perform actions on each parent element as needed
  // Access children of the parent element
  var childClassList= parentElement.getElementsByClassName("childClass");
  // Handle operations with `childClassList`
  for (var j= 0; j < childClassList.length; j++){
    var child = childClassList[j];
    // Perform actions on each child here

Answer №2

Here is an alternative way to approach this:

const firstChildClass = document.querySelectorAll('.parentclass')[0].querySelector('.childClass');
const secondChildClass = document.querySelectorAll('.parentclass')[1].querySelector('.childClass');

If you're a fan of using JQuery, you could also do it like this:

const parentClasses = $(".parentclass");
const firstChildClass = $(parentClasses[0]).find(".childClass").first();
const secondChildClass = $(parentClasses[1]).find(".childClass").first();

Answer №3

To retrieve child nodes with the classname "childClass" for the first element in pClassList array, you can use the following code:

for (let i = 0; i < pClassList[0].childNodes.length; i++) {
if (pClassList[0].childNodes[i].className == "childClass") {
  // Perform actions on pClassList[0].childNodes[i]

This same process can be repeated for all elements in the pClassList array by iterating through each of them individually.

Answer №4

A different option would be to choose your preferred childClass by using the following code:

var secondChildElement = document.querySelector('.childClass:nth-child(2)');

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