What are the steps for integrating a CMS with my unique website design?

Currently, I am in the process of creating a unique website for a client using my own combination of html, css, and JavaScript. There is also a possibility that I may incorporate vueJS into the design. The client has expressed a desire to have the ability to edit the content on her site post-launch. This would include tasks such as adding, deleting, or updating images and text.

I am deliberating between hand-coding the entire site myself or utilizing visual builders within WordPress. My concern is whether she will be able to independently make edits using the built-in tools on WordPress if I opt for the former approach. Alternatively, would I be responsible for implementing any changes required by the client moving forward?

Answer №1

Typically, the best way to incorporate a custom section of your WordPress website is by creating a custom plugin. While I have not personally tried wrapping a Vue.js app in this manner, it's definitely an intriguing possibility that I would be interested in exploring.

If you're looking for guidance on how to create a custom plugin, you can check out this tutorial: Tutorial to create a custom plugin

Integrating the Vue.js single-page application into the plugin afterwards should be feasible...

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