What is the best way to ensure an image is shown in full screen exclusively on mobile devices?

My goal is to have two different site templates, one for desktop (which is already good) and one for mobile.

For the mobile template, I want it to display only an image that fills the entire screen. The image should take up all the available space in terms of height and width. Once a button is pressed, the page will scroll down to reveal the rest of the content.

Here's an example:


I have created an example on Fiddle at jsfiddle.net/gtw7375/yrmbsfhu/

However, I am not sure how to center the image and make it the sole content occupying the entire height of the page. Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

Add a new block element that fills the entire width and height of the viewport. Next, insert the desired image as a background using the CSS property: background-size: cover.

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