I am curious about this "normalize.less" that appears in the F12 Developer Console

Trying to track down information on this mysterious "normalize.less" that is appearing in the Chrome 76 developer console has proven to be a challenge for me. In Firefox 69's console, it displays bootstrap.min.css instead, leading me to believe that it may be related to Bootstrap in my particular case. But what exactly is it?

When I hover over it in Chrome, it reveals a filepath directing to localhost/css/less/normalize.less. However, I don't have any folders under css, let alone one labeled less.

My attempts to search for "localhost css less" and "normalize.less" have mainly yielded results for various GitHub projects that are not relevant to me, along with some inquiries about issues with less.css not working properly. I don't suspect there is anything wrong with it; I just can't identify its purpose.

To clarify, references to normalize.css or less.css mentioned here are based on my research findings. My main focus remains on normalize.less. (Could they possibly be interconnected somehow?)

Regarding the quest to locate and understand the reference to normalize.less:

What exactly is it, and why did Chrome direct me to a seemingly non-existent file and folder? Could this be a bug? Is there any correlation between normalize.less, normalize.css, and less.css? And more broadly, what exactly are .less files in general?

Answer №1

The reason for this is the presence of a corresponding .map file along with the bootstrap CSS file.

This additional file serves as a guide for developers, helping them to easily locate and modify specific attributes within the complex compilation that is bootstrap.min.css, which consists of numerous individual files.

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