The individual blog pages on my site are not receiving the static files they need to display

I'm facing an issue serving a css file to individual blog posts on my website's blog section.

Here's how it's supposed to work: Visit /blog- you'll see the main blog page, which is functioning fine.

However, when trying to access, for instance, /blog/post1, I encounter this error:


I could really use some assistance since I'm fairly new to express and routing files. Thanks in advance.

My folder structure is as follows


Here's how it should work: Go to /blog- you get the blog page and everything is good.

But when trying to navigate to, say, /blog/post1, I encounter the error


This is what my respective files look like, maybe there's something missing:


"use strict";

var express = require("express"),
    posts = require("./mock/posts.json");

var postsLists = Object.keys(posts).map(function(value){
    return posts[value]

var app = express();

app.use("/static", express.static(__dirname + "/public"))

app.set("view engine", "jade");
app.set("views", __dirname + "/templates");

app.get("/", function(req, res){

app.get("/blog/:title?", function(req, res){
    var title = req.params.title;
    if (title === undefined) {
        res.render("blog", {posts: postsLists});
    } else {
    var post = posts[title] || {};
    res.render("post", {post: post} );

app.get("/about", function(req, res){
    res.send("<h1>About Page</h1>");

app.get("/projects", function(req, res){
    res.send("<h1>Projects Page</h1>")

app.listen(4000, function(){
    console.log("Frontend server is running on port 4000.")


link(rel="stylesheet", href="static/css/style.css")


doctype html
include ./partials/_head.jade
block content


extends ./layout

block content
        for post in posts
                h2 #{post.title}
                p #{post.body}
                a(href="/blog/" + post.title)
                    button Read More


extends ./layout.jade

block content
                h2 #{post.title}
                p #{post.body}
                p This is the actual post page itself.

Answer №1

Perhaps following these steps will lead you to success -

  link(type="text/css", href="/styles/custom.css")

Answer №2

Let me point out something in my _head.jade file that needs your attention:

link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/css/style.css")

I had to update the reference to make it an absolute path by adding a "/" in front of "static"

Originally, it was static/css/style.css and now it's /static/css/style.css. I'm still learning, so I hope I clarified the concept of an absolute path correctly.

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