What is the best approach to transforming my jQuery function into CSS to ensure responsiveness?

I have created a jQuery animation with four functions named ani1(), ani2(), ani3(), and ani4(). Everything is working fine on desktop, but now I am facing the challenge of making it responsive for mobile devices. I am looking for CSS code to replicate the same animation I have created using jQuery.

Here is my HTML structure:

<img class="1st" src="img/imgpsh_fullsize.png" style="width:100%; height:100%;">

<div id="animate1" style="bottom:16.5em;left:33.5em;display:none;">
<img class=" boy" src="img/finger.png" style="" />

<div class="2nd" style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:25em;display:none;">
<img class="remote" src="img/remote.png">

<div class="3rd" style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20em;display:none;">
<img class="hand" src="img/hand1.png">

<div class="4th" style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:5em;display:none;">
<img class="ie" src="img/ielogo.png">

And here is the corresponding jQuery code:

function ani1() {
    $("#animate1").fadeIn().animate({'display':'inline-block'}, 1000, function(){
        $('.1st').animate({'opacity': '0.9','z-index':'2'}, 1500, function(){
    $("#animate1").fadeIn().animate({'display':'inline-block'}, 3000).fadeOut();

// Functions for ani2(), ani3(), and ani4() follow...

var interval1 = [ani1, ani2, ani3, ani4];
var index = 0;
        interval1[index++ % interval1.length]();
    }, 8800);

While the jQuery animation works well on desktop, I now aim to translate these functions into CSS animations that run sequentially without overlapping. How can I achieve this seamless transition between the four jQuery functions in CSS?

Answer №1

One possible solution to the sequencing issue is by utilizing animation-delays. It's important to note that CSS can only animate numerical properties, meaning animating the display property will not yield the desired effect.

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