Why does the "margin" CSS style fail to function properly in FlowPanel within GWT?

I'm currently working with Gwt and have encountered a problem with styling buttons.

Let's take a look at the following code snippet:

 margin-right: 10px;
FlowPanel myFP=new FlowPanel();
Button myButton=new Button("Button");
Button myButton2=new Button("Button2");

When this code runs, there is no gap between myButton and myButton2.

Note: The Button component in Gwt has a default style applied to it. This might be causing the issue of the missing margin. Adding a Label to the FlowPanel seems to work fine, but PushButton doesn't recognize the margin properly, so it's likely not an issue with the gwt-button style itself.

This is the corresponding JavaScript code for the above Gwt code:

<div><button class="gwt-Button GHKUF0UDD4" type="button">Button</button><button class="gwt-Button" type="button">Button2</button></div>

Do you have any insights on why this is happening and potential solutions to fix it?

Answer №1

When styling your buttons, you have applied two different styles: gwt-Button, which removes margins on all sides, and a custom style that adds a 10px margin to the right.

If you want both styles to be used but prefer your custom style to take precedence, utilize the following CSS:

    margin-right: 10px !important;

To prevent the standard GWT style from being applied, you can use the following JavaScript snippet:


This will apply your custom styling without needing to create a new class name.

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