Is it possible to show the Display Center within the dropdown menu?

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on stackoverflow. I have a question about centering the select options. Could someone please take a look at the image attached and let me know if it's possible?

<select multiple="multiple" name="keyword[]" id="edit-keyword" size="9" class="form-select" onchange="if(this.value != 0) { this.form.submit(); }">
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="211">AI</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="176">Carbon Capture</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="186">Clean energy</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="196">COVID-19</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="216"&%gt;Digital Twins</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="201">Digitization</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="181">Energy Mix</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="26">Hydrogen</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="206">IoT</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="31" selected="selected">Keyword 2</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="226">LNG</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="191">Oil &Gas</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="221">Power Plant</option>


.form-select {
    display: inline-block;
    /* display: flex; */
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    align-items: stretch;
    overflow-y: unset;
.form-select option {
    /* position: relative; */
    float: left;
    display: inline-flex;
    /* width: calc(100%/10); */

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

.custom-select-box {
    margin:0 auto;

.custom-select-box option {
    background: white;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
    padding: 5px;
    margin: 5px auto;

option:hover {
  background: lightblue;
<select multiple="multiple" name="category[]" id="edit-category" size="9" class="custom-select-box" onchange="if(this.value != 0) { this.form.submit(); }">
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="211">AI</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="176">Carbon Capture</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="186">Clean energy</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="196">COVID-19</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="216">Digital Twins</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="201">Digitization</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="181">Energy Mix</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="26">Hydrogen</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="206">IoT</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="31" selected="selected">Category 2</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="226">LNG</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="191">Oil &Gas</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="221">Power Plant</option>

Answer №2

If you want to center the options in a select element, you can treat them as text and apply CSS properties such as text-align: center and white-space: pre-line. By setting display:inline-block to the options, they should be properly centered.

.form-select {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;
    white-space: pre-line;

option {
  background: white;
  display: inline-block;
  border-radius: 5px;
  border: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  padding: 5px;
  margin: 5px;

option:hover {
  background: lightblue;

select {
  text-align-last: center;
  padding-right: 29px;
  direction: rtl;
<select multiple="multiple" name="keyword[]" id="edit-keyword" size="9" class="form-select" onchange="if(this.value != 0) { this.form.submit(); }">
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="211">AI</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="176">Carbon Capture</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="186">Clean energy</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="196">COVID-19</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="216">Digital Twins</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="201">Digitization</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="181">Energy Mix</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="26">Hydrogen</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="206">IoT</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="31" selected="selected">Keyword 2</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="226">LNG</option>

Answer №3

It seems like you may be unsure of the specific point or perspective you are trying to convey with this code snippet. Nevertheless, if your goal is to achieve the visual display shown in the image you provided, following these CSS styles could help guide you in the right direction.

.form-select {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
   text-align: center;
   white-space: pre-line;

.form-select option {
   background: white;
   display: inline-block;
   border-radius: 5px;
   border: solid;
   border-width: 1px;
   padding: 5px;
   margin: 5px;

option:hover {
  background: lightblue;

select {
 text-align-last: center;
 padding-right: 29px;
 direction: rtl;
<select multiple="multiple" name="keyword[]" id="edit-keyword" size="9" class="form-select" onchange="if(this.value != 0) { this.form.submit(); }">
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="211">AI</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="176">Carbon Capture</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="186">Clean energy</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="196">COVID-19</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="216">Digital Twins</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="201">Digitization</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="181">Energy Mix</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="26">Hydrogen</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="206">IoT</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="31" selected="selected">Keyword 2</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="226">LNG</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="191">Oil &Gas</option>
        <option class="filter-item br-8 f-14-med" type="submit" value="221">Power Plant</option>

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