Incorporating and designing a side button using jQuery Mobile

I'm working on adding a button to the left side of the screen that is round (but not necessarily) and partially visible, with a visually appealing design. This button will allow users to open a side menu panel.

Below is the HTML code for the button:

<a id="settingsButton" data-rel="panel" data-role="button" href="#optionsPanel" data-icon="info" data-iconpos="notext" class="ui-icon-alt ui-icon-nodisc ui-btn-right">Settings</a>

Additionally, here is a JavaScript sample that dynamically sets the style:

function setSettingsButton(){
        top:$(window).height() / 2 - 30 + "px",

This function is called on document ready.

The current styling of the button looks good, but it is too small. When attempting to adjust the size using style="width: 10%; height: 10%;", the button loses its round shape and appears unattractive.

EDIT: Here is the fiddle link. Any adjustments to the size, such as setting it to "width:10%; height:10%", result in a square and unsightly appearance.

Can you provide any tips on how to style a button that is both visually pleasing and adequately sized?

Answer №1

To start, make sure to edit your question and include the link to your fiddle.

In regards to resolving the issue: The circle is created using a border-radius property in CSS. Imagine you have a square with sides of 10px. To turn it into a circle, you would need a border-radius of 5px on each corner. If you increase the size of the sides to 20px, it won't be a circle anymore but rather a square with rounded corners. This seems to be what's happening in your case.

To fix this, you also need to adjust the border-radius accordingly. Here is an example:

    top:$(window).height() / 2 - 30 + "px",

View the updated fiddle here.

I am not familiar with jQuery Mobile, so I cannot confirm if there is a built-in option to enlarge it. Using the method mentioned above may not resize the i-icon inside it as desired.

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