What is the best way to display a description overlay on an adjacent image when hovering over it?

Seeking assistance or guidance in the right direction.

I have a desire to showcase a grid of images with hover-over functionality for additional information, similar to what can be seen here.

Could someone advise if this task is manageable with pure CSS alone, or would jQuery be necessary? Any pointers in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It appears that the link provided initiates a hover state for the background image followed by displaying a tooltip using a timeOut function. I am currently creating a fiddle to demonstrate this process clearly.

So, without further ado, here is the Fiddle!

The key aspect lies in the jQuery script which incorporates both a delay function and defines the hover state of the image within the CSS code. As a user hovers over the image, an alternate image is displayed initially, achieved through simple CSS hover techniques and the use of CSS sprites.

.item {
    background-color: white;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center top; 

.item:hover {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center bottom; 

#flower {
    background-image: url('http://bramvanroy.be/files/images/tooltipOverlay.jpg');

Upon hovering over the image at the outset, a jQuery function is activated with a set delay:

var tooltip = $(".item-tooltip");


function() {

Exiting the tooltip area triggers its concealment and reveals the original .item image again:

  • Further information on jQuery's .delay()
  • Additional insights into CSS sprites
  • Image copyright details


Presenting a Demo, showcasing the interactive tool, along with another demonstrating the static nature of the image (as requested).

To augment user experience, I implemented the jQuery plugin hoverIntent making sure tooltips are not triggered for unintended quick hovers. This evaluates the user's intent before executing the function after a brief delay. More details about this plugin can be found here. While the standard jQuery hover() method could have been used, it is not recommended.

In addition, adjustments were made to the z-index to prevent overlap issues between the image and the tooltip from different items.

If you have any further inquiries, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Answer №2

To enhance user experience, I recommend utilizing jQuery to achieve the desired effect. Begin by creating two div elements – one visible and one hidden. The hidden div will display information when you hover over the visible div. You can then manipulate the visibility of these divs using jQuery and CSS.

    $(this).css('display', 'none');
    $(".other-clas").css('display', 'block');

You can implement a similar approach as demonstrated above for a seamless transition.

Answer №3

After reviewing the website, it appears to be overly complex in its design.

If I were to approach this, I would add:

<div class="comtainer">
    <div id="g11" class="square large" data-show-tooltip-in="#g12, #g12">
        <div class="normal-view"><img ... ></div>
        <div class="large-view"><img ... ></div>
        <div class="tooltip">blah blah</div>
    <div id="g12" class="square small" data-show-tooltip-in="#g13">

In terms of style, you can see:

div.large-view { display : none; }
div.tooltip    { display : none; }

The JavaScript component (using JQuery for efficiency) could look something like:

$( '.square' ).on( 'mouseover', function*(e){
     //hides the normal image
     $( this ).find( '.normal-view' ).hide();
     //shows the zoomed image
     //stores a reference to where the tooltip will be displayed
     var $tooltip = $( $( this ).attr( 'data-show-tooltip-in' ) );
     //hides the original content of the tooltip square
     $tooltip.find( 'div' ).hide();
     //clones and displays the tooltip in the designated area
     $( this ).find( '.tooltip' ).clone().qppendTo( $tooltip ).show();

This is just a starting point for the implementation process.

UPDATE explanation provided

The HTML structure consists of multiple div elements with a class of square, each containing necessary data such as normal images, zoomed images, and tooltip HTML. The additional data attribute (data-show-tooltip-in) specifies where the tooltips should appear.

The JavaScript portion takes care of the rest - refer to the comments for guidance.

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