Is the use of the auto image attribute height/width impacting rendering performance?

Currently, I am facing an issue with setting the height and width attributes for an image as I do not have access to its dimensions from the server. One solution I am considering is setting both the width and height values to auto.

For example:

img {
    height: auto;
    width: auto;

However, I am hesitant about the impact on rendering performance when images do not have specific width/height. Any frontend developers out there who could provide some insight on this concern?

Answer №1

Make sure to set the width of your image to 100%

Here's an example:

<div class="imgtagcss">
<img src="xxx.jpg" >


.imgtagcss img{

Answer №2

Incorporate CSS styles to set both the width and height of images as 100%. This ensures that all image tags will be automatically resized to fill their containers when the CSS is applied. Note that this adjustment does not impact performance in any way.

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