Creating a responsive design for mobile apps in Ionic using CSS

I need help with making my Ionic app responsive across all mobile devices. The design on the page was created using CSS, but it is not displaying properly on every device. How can I ensure that it adapts to different screen sizes?

    <ion-content :fullscreen="true" id="start" class="background">
      <div id="product_background">
        <Topbar />
        <div class="container">
          <ion-text color class="top-left">
            <h1>ARTICS PRO</h1>
           <ion-text color class="heart_icon">
            <ion-icon :icon="heartOutline"></ion-icon>
            <ion-icon :icon="shareSocial"></ion-icon>
          <ion-text color class="top-left2">
          <ion-text color class="bottom-right">
            <p>ARTICS 7</p>

          <ion-text color class="bottom-right2">

          <img :src="require('@/assets/headset_mockup.png')" style="height:105vw;width:100vw" />
        <div slot="bottom" id="product_price">

      <div id="product_info">
        <p>Product Information</p>
      <div id="cart_icon">
         <ion-icon :icon="cart"></ion-icon>


<script lang="ts">
import { IonContent, IonPage, IonText,IonIcon } from "@ionic/vue";
import Topbar from "../Resources/Topbar.vue";
import { useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { heartOutline,shareSocial,cart } from 'ionicons/icons';
export default {
  name: "Index",
  components: { IonContent, IonPage, Topbar, IonText,IonIcon },
  setup() {
    return {
      router: useRouter(),
<style scoped>
ion-content.background {
  --background:  url("../../assets/product_background.png") 0 0/100% 93% no-repeat;
#product_background {
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-size: cover;
  padding: 20px;
#product_price {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 60px;

.bottom-right {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 14px;
  right: 16px;
.bottom-right2 {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0px;
  right: 16px;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 60px;
  left: 16px;
#cart_icon {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 70px;
  right: 50px;
    position: absolute;
  bottom: 150px;
  left: 20px;
.container {
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  color: white;
   position: absolute;
  top: 180px;
  left: 8px;
.top-left {
  position: absolute;
  top: 16px;
  left: 8px;
.top-left2 {
  position: absolute;
  top: 45px;
  left: 6px;

It could be because I used HTML elements instead of Ionic components. What would be the equivalent replacement for HTML tags in Ionic?

Answer №1

When working with Ionic, you have access to a grid system that allows you to create responsive HTML layouts. To achieve this, you will utilize ion-grid, ion-row, and ion-col components. The size of each ion-col can be adjusted using options like size-xs/sm/xl/lg and offset, which ensures the layout adapts according to screen size.

Imagine your screen being divided into 12 blocks, and it's up to you to determine how many blocks each ion-col should occupy.

For more information, visit and

  <ion-col size-sm="6">
    <ion-item>Some content</ion-item>
  <ion-col size-sm="6">
    <ion-item>Some other content</ion-item>
    <ion-card size-sm="8" offset-sm="2">
      <ion-card-title>More Content</ion-card-title>



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