Take away the CSS class from an element after reCAPTCHA verification is complete in Next.js

I'm struggling with removing the CSS class btn-disabled from the input button element upon successful verification of a form entry.

I have implemented a function called enableForm to remove the btn-disabled CSS class when reCAPTCHA is verified.

However, despite my function being called (as indicated by the console.log output), I am unable to remove the CSS class which prevents the form from submitting. This used to work fine using regular JavaScript but now I'm facing issues in implementing it on nextjs. How can I successfully remove the CSS class once reCAPTCHA validation is successful?

Below is a snippet of my code:

import ReCAPTCHA from "react-google-recaptcha";

const TopForm = () => {

    const enableForm = function() {

    return (
                placeholder="First Name*"
            <br />

                placeholder="Last Name*"


                className="btn-disabled btn-alternative width-inherit margin-left-0"

The CSS properties for the btn-disabled class are as follows:

.btn-disabled {cursor:not-allowed;opacity:0.5;text-decoration:none;pointer-events: none;}

Answer №1

To optimize class management, consider leveraging the state value

import ReCAPTCHA from "react-google-recaptcha";

const TopForm = () => {

const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);

const enableForm = function () {

return (
                    placeholder="First Name*"
                <br />

                    placeholder="Last Name*"
                    className={`constant1 ${isActive ? "active" : ""} btn-alternative width-inherit margin-left-0`}


Answer №2

Within your code, there seems to be an oversight where you assigned a function instead of actually calling it.

Here is the corrected version:

const enableForm = function () {

It should now function as intended.

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