Can the .scroll function be turned off when a user clicks on an anchor link that causes the page to scroll?

I am currently developing a timeline page and I want to implement a feature similar to the chronological list of years displayed on the right side of this webpage:

As part of this feature, I have set up a click event which adds a circle border around the selected date and removes it when another date is chosen. Additionally, using this viewport plugin, the page is configured to show the circle border around the year/date that is currently visible on the screen.

However, I am encountering an issue where clicking on a specific year triggers the scroll function, causing the circle border to appear and disappear for each year in the list until reaching the desired year. Essentially, the click action is also initiating the scroll function.

My objective is to prevent the scroll function from triggering when a user clicks on a year, and then resume once the page has scrolled to the correct position. Any suggestions or recommendations on how to achieve this would be highly appreciated!

Below is the script for the scroll function:

        $(window).scroll(function (){
            if($("#intro:in-viewport").length > 0){
                $('.tNavIntro').css({border: '2px solid #50b855'});
                $('.tNav2012').css({border: ''});

            // Other conditions for different years go here...


And here is the click function:

  $('.timeLineNavWrap div').on('click', function(){

Lastly, I added the following line of code as a workaround to remove the #links from anchors in the URL when a link is clicked:

    $('.link').on('click',function (e) {
        $('html, body').stop().animate({
            'scrollTop': $($(this).attr('rel')).offset().top
        }, 900, 'swing', function () {
            clicked = false;

Answer №1

To manage the clicking functionality, you can create a global state variable in your click function that tracks whether the user has clicked or not. If a click is detected, you can temporarily disable the scroll function by wrapping it within an if (!clicked) statement. Remember to reset the variable to false once the click action is completed and manually trigger the scroll function.

Here's how you can implement this in your code:

var clicked = false;
$('.timeLineNavWrap div').on('click', function(){
    clicked = true;
    // Additional code for scrolling may be added here
    clicked = false;

$(window).scroll(function (){
    if (!clicked) {
        if($("#intro:in-viewport").length > 0){
            $('.tNavIntro').css({border: '2px solid #50b855'});
            $('.tNav2012').css({border: ''});
        // Add more conditions as needed

Answer №2

If you want to remove a scroll event listener using jQuery, you can utilize the .off() function.

Let's say that your button for removing the scroll event is labeled as .button.

 $('#button').on('click', function(){

Once you have removed the scroll handler, you can then reinitialize it at the desired location (it's recommended to wrap the initialization in a function).

To retrieve the current scroll position, you can use the following code:

$(window).on("scroll", function(){

You can determine the position of an element on the page with the .offset() method, specifically by accessing the top property within the returned object.


After obtaining these values, you simply need to compare them within a function linked to the scroll event on the window.

Does this explanation make things clearer for you?

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